White Rock Minerals Ltd

Company Profile

White Rock Limited has recently been delisted by the Australian Stock Exchange, and is now an unlisted public company.

If you are a shareholder, you still retain shares in White Rock, and Automic (www.automicgroup.com.au) still provides share registry services.

If you would like to contact Automic to enquire about your shareholding, please do so via Hello@automic.com.au, or by phone on 1300 288 664 (Within Australia) or +61 2 9698 5414 (Overseas).

For the future all news updates and information will be lodged on this page of the White Rock website (please see Latest News below).

If you would like to receive these updates via email, please register below by completing the subscription details required

Shareholder Update - 9th December 2024

Dear fellow Shareholders,

The Directors of White Rock Minerals Limited (“White Rock”) are still working towards an orderly winding up of the subsidiaries that were placed into liquidation in 2023.

As an update we advise the following:

  • The Liquidators of White Rock (MTC) Pty Ltd (“MTC”), previous owner of the Mt. Carrington asset and subsidiary of White Rock, have advised that they have completed the liquidation of MTC and have lodged the documents with ASIC.  We are further advised that it will take ASIC three months to deregister that entity.

  • Regarding Morning Star Gold NL, owner of the Morning Star Gold Mine at Woods Point and subsidiary of White Rock, that remains an ongoing and difficult process.  While there remain some outstanding issues, we have made progress and are working with the Regulators and Liquidators and hope to have this finalised in the not too distant future.

Please be assured that we are progressing these matters as quickly as we can; once they have been concluded we will be able to issue a more comprehensive update.

Thanks for your patience as we work through these remaining matters.